Bunion Surgery

What Is A Bunion?

A bunion is a common deformity of the big toe.

They form at the base of your big toe. When the bone and tissue move, it forms a large, unsightly bump. That bump is called hallux valgus.

As the joint moves toward the outside of the foot, the big toe moves towards the other toes. This can cause a tremendous amount of pain when pressure is placed in the area.

Even simple activities like walking can become painful. This can make everyday living difficult.

It’s not known exactly what causes bunions. Most leading research points to genetics and repetitive stress over a long period of time.

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Bunion Treatment & Surgery

If you have a bunion, you’re not alone. Over 23% of 18- to 65-year olds have bunions. For those over 65, 36% have bunions. Some bunions are so painful that they disrupt a person’s quality of life and require surgery.

How can you be sure the recovery process is smooth? Contact the doctors at Bartlett Foot Center to schedule an appointment with our Bartlett Podiatrist today.

What To Expect During Bunion Surgery Recovery

There are a few variables as to what to expect from bunion surgery recovery. The recovery time and process will vary from person to person. It depends on the severity of the bunion and the type of surgery you have to correct it.

How Long Is The Recovery Process?

It depends. When you have bunion recovery surgery, your doctor essentially moves the bone and tissues of your big toe joint back into place. The time to heal can vary from six months to up to a year. It all depends on your age and your current health status, among other factors.

Check with your doctor for your specific situation.

Is Bunion Surgery Recovery Painful?

There can be some pain during bunion surgery recovery. Since the bunion treatment surgery involves moving bone and tissue back into place, nerves in the foot may temporarily be aggravated. The pain does subside after surgery, but it does need to be managed. That’s why it’s important to choose a surgeon that will be there with you every step of the way.

How Long Until I Can Exercise Again?

In most moderate to mild cases, you can start walking in a specialized shoe right after surgery. In more severe cases, expect to be in a cast and on crutches for several weeks post-surgery.

The general recovery period is between six and eight weeks. Then you can begin light mobility exercises, as long as the pain has subsided.

Compassionate Bunion Care

When you have a bunion, it can be a major disruption in your life. Having surgery requires a great support system to help you recover quickly. The doctors at Bartlett Foot Center have been providing complete and compassionate foot treatment for over ten years.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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